Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jason's Massive Phail

Living in BKK, I know a lot of Finns. They are all smart. Why are Finnish people so smart? Probably because they don't go to school until they are aged 5, or 6, or 7.

After Jason just turned 3, Poo sent him off to school. The school asked: "Do you want to enroll him in extra-school?"

Poo asked me for advice. "NO" I shouted. 7:30 to 3:00 is enough! Jason was one of two kids whose parents refused extra-school.

Sometimes I go to pick him up at 3:00. I notice: at 3:00 the kids are putting away the crayons and silly-putty -- out comes the serious stuff -- the math and English worksheets.

Now, half way through his second year of school, Jason has had his first BIG EXAM. He is only 4 years old. When the results came in, the teacher called Poo aside: "Jason has done very poorly on his exam. Number 17 out of 25. I think he needs extra-school."

I was furious but I gave in. Now Jason gets extra-school, or, more appropriately: cram-school. He is studying math and English worksheets.

Does it matter? No! All the kids score somewhere between 84% and 90%. Poo was talking to the mother of one of Jason's friends, who said:"I don't know what's wrong with my boy -- I get him tutoring every day and all day on Saturday, but he still scored less than 90%!"

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